Tennessee Dept of Health

Tennessee Dept of Health is the state department responsible for public health in Tennessee, headquarters located in Nashville. Tennessee Dept of Health address is 710 James Robertson Pkwy, Nashville, Tennessee 37243, phone number is (615)741-7247. You may use the below Tennessee DOH phone numbers for the different health matter you are calling for.

Tennessee Dept of Health Phone Number

Tennessee Dept of Health main phone number: 615-741-7247
Vital Records (Birth, Marriage and Death Certificates): (615) 741-1763
Certified Nursing Assistant license: (615) 532-5171
Communicable & Environmental Disease: (615) 741-7247

Dental license: (615) 532-5073
Emergency Medical Services license: (615) 741-2584
General Environmental Health (Hotels, Motels, Restaurants and Tattoo) : (615) 741-7206
Health Care Facilities: (615) 741-7221
Health Statistics: (615) 741-1954
Immunizations: (615) 741-7247
Massage Therapy license: (615) 253-2111
Medical Records licensed practitioners: (615) 532-3202
Medical Doctors license: (615) 532-4384
Nursing license: (615) 532-5166
Pharmacy license : (615) 253-1299
Physical Therapy license: (615) 741-3807
Professional Counselors license: (615) 741-5735
State Operator : (615) 741-3011

Accounts Payable: (615) 741-2044
Administrative Services: (615) 741-3151
Budget and Financial Management: (615) 741-3151
Contract Review: (615) 741-3151
Facilities Management: (615) 741-3151
Fiscal Services: (615) 741-3321
Procurement: (615) 741-1091

Division of Communicable and Environmental Disease & Emergency Preparedness  : (615) 741-7247 or toll free 800-404-3006
Camp/Campgrounds Inspections : (615) 741-7206
Emergency Preparedness: (615) 741-7247
Environmental Epidemiology: (615) 741-7247
Foodborne, Vector-borne or Zoonotic Diseases: (615) 741-7247
Healthcare Associated Infections : (615) 741-7247
Healthy Homes: (615) 741-7247
HIV/AIDS/STD: (615) 741-7500
Hotels, Motels and Pool Inspections: (615) 741-7206
Immunizations: (615) 741-7247
Rabies : (615) 741-7206
Surveillance Systems and Informatics: (615) 741-7247
Tattoos: (615) 741-7206
Tuberculosis: (615) 741-7247

Division of Community Health Services: (615) 741-7305
Clinical Services and Disease Management: (615) 741-7308
Dental Services : (615) 741-8618
Employee Health Clinic: (615) 741-1709
Hemophilia Program: (615) 741-5225
Renal Program: (615) 741-5225
Traumatic Brain Injury: (615) 741-1230

Tennessee Dept of Health phone number where you can speak to a real person from Tennessee DOH regarding health matters including COVID-19, vaccine, appointments, and medical insurance (Medicaid) is (615)741-7247.

Tennessee Vaccine Appointment

Tennessee vaccine appointment can be made if you are eligible in the state of Tennessee by clicking here.

Tennessee Immunization Records

Get access to Tennessee Immunization Records for your personal information on immunization and vaccine in the state of Tennessee by clicking here.

Tennessee Dept of Health Website

You can access Tennessee Dept of Health website, for news, updates, executive directors, and additional public health information clicking here.

Tennessee Dept of Health Address

Tennessee Dept of Health address where you can send official mail, documents and forms is:

Tennessee State Department of Health (Tennessee DOH)
710 James Robertson Pkwy
Tennessee 37243

Tennessee Dept of Health Fax Number

Tennessee Dept of Health fax number where you can send fax messages, documents, complaints, and forms using a facsimile machine is 615-253-9879.

Tennessee Medicaid Phone Number

Tennessee Medicaid Phone Number where you can speak to a real person regarding your Tennessee state health insurance is 1-800-878-3192.

Tennessee Dept of Health Services & Responsibilities

Tennessee Dept of Health is Tennessee state health agency providing public health services, regulation, licenses, records, and information including:

* COVID-19 Data, Vaccination Information, and Vaccine Appointment
* Vital Records & Statistics (birth, death, marriage, and divorce)
* Infectious Disease Control
* State Medical Insurance& Consumer Protection
* Emergency Preparedness and Response (Including EMS)
* Health and Wellness
* Health Legislation & Regulation
* Public Laboratory Services & Licenses
* Medical, Nursing, Pharmacists & Pharmacy Licenses
* and more

This State-Dept-of-Health.com is provided information for Tennessee Dept of Health and all states dept of health. It is completely independent website, that has no affiliation with any of the federal or state’s government offices, agencies, boards, bureau, or commission.

State Dept of Health List
Texas Dept of Health
Utah Dept of Health
Vermont Dept of Health
Virgin Islands Dept of Health
Virginia Dept of Health
Washington State Dept of Health
West Virginia Dept of Health
Wisconsin Dept of Health
Wyoming Dept of Health
Alabama Dept of Public Health

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