Wyoming Dept of Health

Wyoming Dept of Health is the state department responsible for public health in Wyoming, headquarters located in Cheyenne. Wyoming Dept of Health address is 6101 Yellowstone Rd, Cheyenne, Wyoming 82009, phone number is (307) 777-7656. You may use the below WY DOH phone numbers for the different health matter you are calling for.

Wyoming Dept of Health Phone Number

Wyoming Dept of Health main phone number: (307) 777-7656
Toll-free Number: 1-866-571-0944
Vital Statistics Services: (307) 777-7591
Public Health Emergency Line: 1-888-996-9104

WY DOH COVID-19 Email Address: [email protected].
WY DOH COVID-19 Vaccine: 800-438-5795 (Monday – Friday, 8:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.)

Wyoming Medicaid Phone Numbe: (307) 777-7531
Apply to Wyoming Medicaid: 1-855-294-2127
Medicaid Fraud Line: 1-855-846-2563

Aging Division Phone: (307) 777-7995
Aging Division Fax: (307) 777-5340

Public Health Division Phone: (307) 777-6340
Public Health Division Fax: (307) 777-8264

Behavioral Health Division Phone: (307) 777-6494
Behavioral Health Division Fax: (307) 777-5849

Healthcare Financing Division Phone Number: (307) 777-7531
Healthcare Financing Division Fax Number: (307) 777-6964

Policy, Research and Evaluation: (307) 777-7656
Policy, Research and Evaluation Fax Number: (307) 777-7439

Wyoming Dept of Health phone number where you can speak to a real person from WY DOH regarding health matters including COVID-19, vaccine, appointments, and medical insurance (Medicaid) is (307) 777-7656.

Wyoming Vaccine Appointment

Wyoming vaccine appointment can be made if you are eligible in the state of Wyoming by clicking here.

Wyoming Immunization Records

Get access to Wyoming Immunization Records for your personal information on immunization and vaccine in the state of Wyoming by clicking here.

Wyoming Dept of Health Website

You can access Wyoming Dept of Health website, for news, updates, executive directors, and additional public health information clicking here.

Wyoming Dept of Health Address

Wyoming Dept of Health address where you can send official mail, documents and forms is:

Wyoming State Department of Health (WY DOH)
6101 Yellowstone Rd
Wyoming 82009

Wyoming Dept of Health Fax Number

Wyoming Dept of Health fax number where you can send fax messages, documents, complaints, and forms using a facsimile machine is (307) 777-7439.

Wyoming Medicaid Phone Number

Wyoming Medicaid Phone Number where you can speak to a real person regarding your Wyoming state health insurance is (307) 777-7531.

Wyoming Dept of Health Services & Responsibilities

Wyoming Dept of Health is Wyoming state health agency providing public health services, regulation, licenses, records, and information including:

* COVID-19 Information & Vaccine Appointment
* Vital Records & Statistics (Birth, Death, Marriage, and Divorce Records)
* Infectious Disease Control
* Consumer Protection
* Emergency Preparedness and Response (Including EMS)
* State Medical Insurance
* Health and Wellness
* Laboratory Services
* Medical, Nursing, Pharmacists & Pharmacy Licenses
* and more

State-Dept-of-Health.com is a free information hub for Wyoming Dept of Health and all states dept of health. This website is completely independent, not affiliated with any of the federal or state’s government offices, agencies, boards, bureau, or commission.

State Dept of Health List
Alabama Dept of Public Health
Alaska Dept of Health
Arizona Dept of Health
Arkansas Dept of Health
California Dept of Public Health
Dept of Public Health and Environment Colorado
Connecticut Dept of Public Health
Delaware Dept of Health
District of Columbia Dept of Health
Florida Dept of Health

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